Thursday, April 2, 2009


This study aims to test the feasibility of gumamela leaves extract as a cure for abrasions. The researcher has seen the effect of commercial antiseptic and would like to determine if gumamela leaves extract can be an alternative. The researcher will conduct this study to inform others the benefit of herbal plant, gumamela. This can also help other people to have an antiseptic right away without going to a pharmacy.
Using 20g of gumamela leaves (20g), beaker, strainer, water, and mortar and pestle the researcher conducted an experiment. In making the gumamela leaves extract. First, the materials will be gathered. Second, the collected gumamela leaves will be washed. Third, the washed gumamela leaves will be pound using mortar and pestle. Fourth, the extract will be strain and lastly the extract will be put in a container. After that, it will be applied to the wound and observe it for three days. In this study there are two set-ups: antiseptic made with gumamela leaves extract and commercial antiseptic which is the control of the study.
After the experiment it shows that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions. However, it is not that good like the commercial antiseptic. Thus, the researcher would like to recommend further analysis of the other parts of the gumamela plant that can cure wounds. It is also recommended to investigate further in using the gumamela leaves extract in other wounds.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Nice post, i appreciate your efforts which you have done to share information with others.

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