This study aims to test the feasibility of gumamela leaves extract as a cure for abrasions. The researcher has seen the effect of commercial antiseptic and would like to determine if gumamela leaves extract can be an alternative. The researcher will conduct this study to inform others the benefit of herbal plant, gumamela. This can also help other people to have an antiseptic right away without going to a pharmacy.
Using 20g of gumamela leaves (20g), beaker, strainer, water, and mortar and pestle the researcher conducted an experiment. In making the gumamela leaves extract. First, the materials will be gathered. Second, the collected gumamela leaves will be washed. Third, the washed gumamela leaves will be pound using mortar and pestle. Fourth, the extract will be strain and lastly the extract will be put in a container. After that, it will be applied to the wound and observe it for three days. In this study there are two set-ups: antiseptic made with gumamela leaves extract and commercial antiseptic which is the control of the study.
After the experiment it shows that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions. However, it is not that good like the commercial antiseptic. Thus, the researcher would like to recommend further analysis of the other parts of the gumamela plant that can cure wounds. It is also recommended to investigate further in using the gumamela leaves extract in other wounds.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I would like to acknowledge to the following for their support and help regarding with this project.
To our one and only creator, God, who has provided me everything!
To my ever supporting parents, for the emotional and financial help!
To my teachers, for the time that they spent in evaluating my proposal!
To my friends, for always cheering me up and helping me when I'm in need!
Thank you so much!!!
To our one and only creator, God, who has provided me everything!
To my ever supporting parents, for the emotional and financial help!
To my teachers, for the time that they spent in evaluating my proposal!
To my friends, for always cheering me up and helping me when I'm in need!
Thank you so much!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation
The researcher,therefore,finds that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions but commercial antiseptic is faster in curing the said injury.
The researcher would like to recommend further analysis of the other parts of the gumamela plant that can cure wounds. It is also recommended to investigate further in using the gumamela leaves extract in other wounds.
The researcher,therefore,finds that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions but commercial antiseptic is faster in curing the said injury.
The researcher would like to recommend further analysis of the other parts of the gumamela plant that can cure wounds. It is also recommended to investigate further in using the gumamela leaves extract in other wounds.
Chapter IV: Results and Discussions
In this chapter, it tries to discuss the observation noted on the experiment and the characteristics of gumamela leaves extract and commercial antiseptic.
Table 1: Characteristics of the gumamela extract and commercial antiseptic

Legend for odor:
1- smells bad (a little)
2- smells bad
3- smells like an antiseptic
♥According to the table it shows that gumamela leaves extract and commercial antiseptic have different characteristics: odor, color, and texture.
Table 2: Results (Daily)

1- no effect
2- partly cured
3- cured
♥The table shows that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions but commercial antiseptic is faster in curing the abrasions. It takes two days to cure abrasion when using the gumamela leaves extract while it only takes one day for the commercial antiseptic to cure it.
Table 1: Characteristics of the gumamela extract and commercial antiseptic

Legend for odor:
1- smells bad (a little)
2- smells bad
3- smells like an antiseptic
♥According to the table it shows that gumamela leaves extract and commercial antiseptic have different characteristics: odor, color, and texture.
Table 2: Results (Daily)

1- no effect
2- partly cured
3- cured
♥The table shows that gumamela leaves extract can cure abrasions but commercial antiseptic is faster in curing the abrasions. It takes two days to cure abrasion when using the gumamela leaves extract while it only takes one day for the commercial antiseptic to cure it.
Chapter III: Methodology

-gumamela leaves (20g)
-mortar and pestle
In making the gumamela leaves extract. First, the materials will be gathered. Second, the collected gumamela leaves will be washed. Third, the washed gumamela leaves will be pound using mortar and pestle. Fourth, the extract will be strain and lastly the extract will be put in a container.
The application will be done within three days with two individuals.
Th researcher will observe the wound applied with the gumamela leaves extract if it is cured or not. It will be observe within three days.
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.
General info
• About 300 species are found worldwide. Its beauty makes it one of the most widely cultivated of flowers, in brilliant huers of red, orange, or purplish-reds, with short-lived but continuing blooms.
• An erect, much-branched, glabrous shrub, 1 to 4 m high.
• Leaves: glossy green, ovate, acuminate, pointeed, coarsely-toothed, 7 to 12 cm long, alternate, stipulate.
• Flowers: solitary, axillary, very large. Outermost series of bracteoles 6, lanceolate, green, and 8 mm long or less. Calyx green, 2 cm long, lobes ovate. Petals commonly red, obovate, entire, rounded tip, and imbricate. Stamens forming a long staminal tube enclosing the entire style of the pistil and protruding out of the corolla. Ovary 5-celled, styles 5, fused below.
• Fruits: capsules, loculicidally 5-valved, but rarely formed in cultivation
Ornamental cultivation throughout the whole country.
Cuttings used for propagation.
Parts utilized
• Flowers, roots, and leaves.
• Harvest the roots and leaves anytime of the year.
• Wash, cut into slices, and sun-dry. The flowers should be collected from May to August, sun-dry.
Characteristics and Pharmacological Effects
• Considered emollient, emmenagogue, anodyne, expectorant, refrigerant.
• Anti-infectious, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic.
• Hypotensive, antispasmodic.
• Prepared drug has sweet taste, neutral natured.
• The Hibiscus with five petals noted for its medicinal properties, the flowers are considerede astringent. The roots contain a mucilage that is soothing on the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts.
Flowers: Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins which are antioxidant, antipyretic, analgesic, spasmolytic.
Polysaccharides which promote wound healing and are immune-modulating. (Link)
• Mumps, infection of the urinary tract: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink.
• For abscesses, carbuncles and boils: crush fresh leaves and poultice the infected area. Also, pound flower buds into a paste and apply to external swellings; also used for boils, cancerous swellings and mumps.
• Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers used as an emollient.
• Decoction from roots of red and white-flowered plants used as an antidote for poison.
• Bark is an emmenagogue; also used to normalize menstruation.
• Seeds used as a stimulant and for cramps.
• Decoction of leaves for fevers.
• For headaches, an infusion of leaves or poultice of leaves.
• Leaves are mildly laxative.
• Mucilage during labor.
• Red flowers are purgative; when taken with papaya seeds, may be abortive.
• Infusion of leaves as an expectorant in bronchitis.
• Hair stimulant: oil made by mixing the juice of fresh petals and olive oil for stimulating hair growth.
• In Costa Rica, used as a purgative.
• In Venezuela, used to treat tumors.
• In the Carribean, used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
• In the Dominican Republic, used to treat hematomas.
A tasty tea is brewed from its petals.
• Studies have demonstrated anti-bacterial, hypotensive, antispasmodic, and chemopreventive activities. It has shown glucose lowering in diabetic rats. Leaf extract has shown to promote hair growth.
In dermatology, an abrasion is superficial damage to the skin, generally not deeper than the epidermis. It is more superficial than an excoriation, although it can give mild bleeding. Mild abrasions do not scar, but deep abrasions may lead to the development of scarring tissue.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.
General info
• About 300 species are found worldwide. Its beauty makes it one of the most widely cultivated of flowers, in brilliant huers of red, orange, or purplish-reds, with short-lived but continuing blooms.
• An erect, much-branched, glabrous shrub, 1 to 4 m high.
• Leaves: glossy green, ovate, acuminate, pointeed, coarsely-toothed, 7 to 12 cm long, alternate, stipulate.
• Flowers: solitary, axillary, very large. Outermost series of bracteoles 6, lanceolate, green, and 8 mm long or less. Calyx green, 2 cm long, lobes ovate. Petals commonly red, obovate, entire, rounded tip, and imbricate. Stamens forming a long staminal tube enclosing the entire style of the pistil and protruding out of the corolla. Ovary 5-celled, styles 5, fused below.
• Fruits: capsules, loculicidally 5-valved, but rarely formed in cultivation
Ornamental cultivation throughout the whole country.
Cuttings used for propagation.
Parts utilized
• Flowers, roots, and leaves.
• Harvest the roots and leaves anytime of the year.
• Wash, cut into slices, and sun-dry. The flowers should be collected from May to August, sun-dry.
Characteristics and Pharmacological Effects
• Considered emollient, emmenagogue, anodyne, expectorant, refrigerant.
• Anti-infectious, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic.
• Hypotensive, antispasmodic.
• Prepared drug has sweet taste, neutral natured.
• The Hibiscus with five petals noted for its medicinal properties, the flowers are considerede astringent. The roots contain a mucilage that is soothing on the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts.
Flowers: Flavonoids and proanthocyanidins which are antioxidant, antipyretic, analgesic, spasmolytic.
Polysaccharides which promote wound healing and are immune-modulating. (Link)
• Mumps, infection of the urinary tract: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink.
• For abscesses, carbuncles and boils: crush fresh leaves and poultice the infected area. Also, pound flower buds into a paste and apply to external swellings; also used for boils, cancerous swellings and mumps.
• Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers used as an emollient.
• Decoction from roots of red and white-flowered plants used as an antidote for poison.
• Bark is an emmenagogue; also used to normalize menstruation.
• Seeds used as a stimulant and for cramps.
• Decoction of leaves for fevers.
• For headaches, an infusion of leaves or poultice of leaves.
• Leaves are mildly laxative.
• Mucilage during labor.
• Red flowers are purgative; when taken with papaya seeds, may be abortive.
• Infusion of leaves as an expectorant in bronchitis.
• Hair stimulant: oil made by mixing the juice of fresh petals and olive oil for stimulating hair growth.
• In Costa Rica, used as a purgative.
• In Venezuela, used to treat tumors.
• In the Carribean, used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
• In the Dominican Republic, used to treat hematomas.
A tasty tea is brewed from its petals.
• Studies have demonstrated anti-bacterial, hypotensive, antispasmodic, and chemopreventive activities. It has shown glucose lowering in diabetic rats. Leaf extract has shown to promote hair growth.
In dermatology, an abrasion is superficial damage to the skin, generally not deeper than the epidermis. It is more superficial than an excoriation, although it can give mild bleeding. Mild abrasions do not scar, but deep abrasions may lead to the development of scarring tissue.
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